School Admission Appeals

Please read this page carefully before you get started.

The Coastal Association of School Appeals provides an independent service to allow local parents to appeal against the refusal of an admission application.

If you have applied for a place at a school and have been refused a place, you will be given this decision in writing via your local Council. The letter will explain why your application has been refused.

By law, you are entitled to appeal the decision and an Independent Appeal Panel will consider your appeal. They will take account of your reasons for appealing, the school’s published admission arrangements and their reasons for refusal.

The School Admission Appeals Code sets out how we must arrange appeals and ensure that they are fair and transparent. The Department for Education also publish Advice for parents and guardians on school admission appeals, which we suggest reading in addition to the information below.

You can submit an appeal online and give your reasons as to why your child should be admitted to the school. In due course, you will be given a copy of the school’s paperwork defending the appeal. Both sets of papers will be given to an Independent Appeal Panel, who will decide the appeal.

You will be invited to attend an appeal hearing where the Panel will consider and decide your appeal. The Panel will review both your case papers and those of the school and will also listen to what both parties explain verbally at the appeal hearing.

The Appeal Panel decides whether to uphold (allow) or dismiss (refuse) your appeal. Their decision is legally binding. You and the school will be sent a letter after the appeal giving the Panel’s decision.

The Coastal Association of School Appeals will make the appeal arrangements, book in the Panel Members, liaise with the school’s presenting officer and parent(s)/carers, circulate the paperwork, answer specific questions on appeals procedure and ensure all arrangements are made in line with the School Admission Appeals Code. They are unable to give you advice on the content of your appeal.

Please be aware that an appeal can prolong the period of uncertainty for you and your child, so it’s important to be realistic about your reasons for appealing and the chances of being successful. You should also consider accepting any offer of a school place you receive, to make sure that your child has a place, should your appeal not be successful. Accepting another offer will have no bearing on your appeal and the appeals process does not limit other options available to you.

Further information is available below. Please click on the headings to view the expanded information.

GDPR/ Data Protection

For more information about how we use your data, please refer to the individual school’s information on GDPR and Data Protection.

Further information

For more information about this guidance and the appeals process, please contact the Appeals Officer via email [email protected] or telephone 01202 029589.

Further guidance

We are unable to assist you with the preparation of your case. Further guidance about appeals can be found at:

Government parental advice on admission appeals ( appeal advice for parents:
( appeal advice for parents

Child Law Advice Service:

Advisory Centre for Education (ACE) advice:

Contact (for families with disabled children):

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) 4 BCP

Independent Parental Special Educational Advice (ISPEA)

School Admission Appeals Code:

School Admissions Code:

If you wish to contact us, please use the details below:

c/o The Bourne Academy
Hadow Road
BH10 5HS

Tel: 01202 029589

Email: [email protected]